Friday, March 12, 2021

Communication in Construction Projects

Since 2010, Ted Vitale has served as CEO of Petore Construction. Together with his team, Ted Vitale has provided construction management services and overseen the completion of projects nationwide from Texas to New York. While a large construction project can benefit from the combined knowledge and skills of team members, its success will also depend on the efficiency of communication.

Communication lack in construction projects can result from the highly complex nature of the industry. Top causes of poor communication include fear to communicate, lack of sector experience, poor communication skills, individual barriers (habits), and lack of a communication plan.

Unclear communication can result in wrong interpretations or confusion, information transfer to the wrong person, or delays in the flow of information. Any of these can cause mistakes or disputes, which will require time to sort out. Excessive cost and delay may arise. Cost also may be added due to having to do a job over or from materials ordered in error because of misinterpretation.